Thursday, October 29, 2009

current event 10/29

Antoine Bonfils

La course est quatre-duex kilometers. Antoine Bonfils a fini premier. Il est premiere foreigner. La course a pris 41 heures 51 minutes et de 10 seconde. Il y a 136 personne dans le marathon.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009 10/27

Discover Simple, Private Sharing at

Thursday, October 22, 2009 October 22nd

Discover Simple, Private Sharing at

Current Event 10/22

Miracle Survivor!

Bahia Basari est alive! Elle est trieze ans. Elle est tres mal. Elle a visite un cousins. Il y a eu avion accident. Elle est mal nager. Elle nage a Paris.( she swam to paris)

Miracle Survivor!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

French FAshion!

Bonjour madame!

French Fashion est excellente. Paris est la capital de fashion. Beaucoup elegante stylists, Coco Chanel et Christian Dior et Jean-Paul Gaulthier. Tres colore at unique des vetements. French Fashion will continue to produce different styles that will push the envelope and influence future generations of fashion.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

What I did last Weekend

Samedi dernier, J'ai joue au foot. Apres un match de foot, Js suis alle a la maison. Ensuite, J'ai regarde a la tele. Enfin, J'ai etudie pour l'histoire. Hier, J'ai alle l'eglise. D'abord, J'ai alle dans les magasins. Ensuite, J'ai aide mes parents. Finalement, J'ai etudie pour l'ecole et dormir.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

French Researchers discover biggest dinosaur footprints!

On tuesday they discovered one of the biggest dinosaur footprints in the world. Believed to be left by giant sauropods that may have weighed over 40 tonnes. Ils sont tres content. Francais cherche plus en Plagne. C'est tres grande dinosaur. Over 81 feet tall. Footprints measuring 3.9 to 4.9 feet across.

Kellys first xtranormal movie

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Kellys Tu as la parole

Discover Simple, Private Sharing at

Thursday, October 1, 2009

2nd Current event

Two Rising Soccer Stars

Miralem Pjanic and Stevan Jovetic, both 19 years old and have already been scouted and courted from Real Madrid to AC Milan to Manchester United(two major soccer teams). The two rising stars were born in the former Yugoslavia, Miralem . Both are just starting their rise in fame and continue to have much success, and much more is expected to come. They are two young athletes striving to be the best and make the most of their rising career.

Ma activites

Bonjour Madame,

J'aime beacoup activites. J'aime sortir avec des copines. Aussi, J'aime aller a la plage parce que j'aime nager et bronzer. J'adore faire du ski et snowboard. J'aime il neige. Aussi, J'aime faire du shopping en ville. J'aime faire du sport. J'aime jouer au foot et volley et basket. J'adore dormir!